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Mariano García: “It Is Imperative, to Be Honest and Accept That We Are All Human, and Error Is Part of Humanity, if Not the Very Definition”


This interview with accomplished saxophonist Mariano García provides a comprehensive exploration of his musical journey, from his initial encounter with classical music that sparked his passion for the saxophone to his self-directed approach to learning and the influences shaping his artistic development. García reflects on his limited formal education, emphasizing the crucial role of mentors like Josep Llopis Esteve and Claude Delangle in his formative years.

The interview delves into García’s professional trajectory, starting with his early years as a conservatory professor and the challenges of balancing personal and professional life amid a demanding schedule of performances and teaching engagements.

García shares insights into his daily practice routine, highlighting the evolving nature of his approach and the significance of continuous learning. The interview touches on García’s perspective on teaching, emphasizing respect, demand, values transmission, and motivation in his interactions with students. The saxophonist provides valuable advice for aspiring musicians, stressing the importance of diverse musical exposure, dedicated practice, and a disciplined approach to learning. García candidly discusses experiences on stage, coping with criticism, and managing performance anxiety.

The interview concludes with García’s reflections on his musical preferences, identifying with various classical and jazz styles, and expressing his affinity for certain composers and saxophonists, thus offering a multifaceted portrait of a musician deeply committed to his craft.

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ISSN: 2792-8349

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International Journal of Music