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Performance Coaching — A Tool to Enable the Sustainable Delivery of Excellence


My entry into the world of coaching was prompted by a dissonance between musical achievements and persistent stress and anxiety. Traditional training, emphasizing relentless practice, neglected the psychological toll of performance. A chance encounter with Kenny Werner’s “Effortless Mastery” offered a paradigm shift, grounded in spiritual beliefs and muscle memory. This propelled me into the realm of performance coaching.

Performance coaching, met with suspicion in musical circles, demystifies psychological nuances in elite performance. It’s a transformative journey, not a universal panacea, tailored to individual needs. Spanning preparation, pre-performance moments, and the act itself, coaching unveils the unknown to anchor performers in the present moment. It demands ongoing commitment to self-awareness, leading to a profound understanding of self and heightened artistry.

Orchestras, traditionally hierarchical, are venturing into team coaching. The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra pioneers this approach, acknowledging the collaborative nature of orchestral work beyond autocratic directives. The relentless pursuit of perfection prompts orchestras to embrace holistic support—physio treatment, well-being programs, and coaching contribute to a motivated and productive musical workforce.

Navigating social tensions within orchestras demands finesse. Artistic work, emotionally charged, requires a constructive approach to feedback. Coaching, a forward-looking intervention, empowers individuals and teams to seek improvement positively. It embodies Pablo Casals’ philosophy of embracing continuous mental development as a lifelong journey. In the ever-evolving music landscape, performance coaching stands as a beacon, guiding the pursuit of progress and excellence.

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ISSN: 2792-8349

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International Journal of Music