Louis Dowdeswell: “The Most Important Thing as a Trumpet Player Is That We’re Able to Be Adaptable to Our Current Environment”
In this interview, we have Louis Dowdeswell—an amazing musician whose career spans multiple genres.
In this interview, we have Louis Dowdeswell—an amazing musician whose career spans multiple genres.
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Chad McCullough — Chord Tones Targeting Open »
How to improvise? With Chicago-based saxophonist Chris Madsen’s vision of a strategic system, you can improve and perfect the way you improvise now and for the rest of your life.
Holistic Jazz Improvisation Open »
In this last article, Doug Stone (Assistant Professor of Jazz Studies at Louisiana State University, LA, USA) shares how you can improvise over anything. Apply it to your favorite songs and enjoy them more than ever.
Jazz Improvisation Fundamentals #4: Internalizing Chord Changes Open »
On this occasion, Doug Stone (Assistant Professor of Jazz Studies at Louisiana State University, LA, USA) gives you the key to making your own transcriptions from the great jazz maestros in only 5 steps. Learn how to get the best out of your transcriptions in this article.
Jazz Improvisation Fundamentals #3: Transcription Open »
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Jazz Improvisation Fundamentals #2: Incorporating and Assimilating Jazz Vocabulary Open »
You no longer have any excuse for not learning jazz or improving it, no matter what your current level is. In this complete series of articles, Doug Stone (Assistant Professor of Jazz Studies at Louisiana State University, LA, USA) gives you all the keys to success, not missing a beat and in a very concise manner. What are you waiting for?
Jazz Improvisation Fundamentals #1: Scales Open »
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Jim Gailloreto — Practicing Jazz #6: Rhythmic Feel Open »
Restricted access This content is exclusive to members of the International Journal of Music. Join now for as low as $1.67 per month… …or get
Jim Gailloreto — Practicing Jazz #5: Rhythmic Time Open »
Restricted access This content is exclusive to members of the International Journal of Music. Join now for as low as $1.67 per month… …or get
Jim Gailloreto — Practicing Jazz #4: Improvising With Rhythm Open »