March ITG Journal Free to Public!

Dear Trumpet Enthusiasts:

The COVID-19 pandemic has created hardships for everyone around the world, but it has also brought an incredible spirit of creativity, sharing, and support online and in social media. The International Trumpet Guild would like to contribute to this effort by inviting anyone interested to enjoy a complimentary copy of our most recent quarterly ITG Journal from March of this year. We know that anyone who loves the trumpet will find it interesting, informative, and inspiring. Please stay safe and healthy and know that we are all in this together during these challenging times!

The International Trumpet Guild connects over 4,000 members in 56 countries who seek to improve the artistic level of performance, teaching, and literature associated with the trumpet. Membership provides access to a variety of benefits including: Quarterly ITG Journals, Unrestricted Website Access, Annual Conference Discounts, and an Annual Free Music Download.

The International Trumpet Guild community is comprised of seasoned and beginning performers, teachers, students, manufacturers, publishers, and others interested in belonging to an organization dedicated to the trumpet profession. In addition to the direct benefits of membership, the organization supports ITG chapter grants, conference scholarships, conference competitions, the Ellsworth Smith International Solo Trumpet Competition, the Carmine Caruso International Jazz Solo Trumpet Competition, new music commissions, and much more. If you would like to learn more about ITG, please visit us at


Grant S. Peters, D.M.A.
President, International Trumpet Guild
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